Our story begins with the Manned Spacecraft Center, established in 1961, the home and Mission Control Center for the U.S. human space flight program. Later, in 1973, it was renamed in honor of the late President, and Texas native, Lyndon B. Johnson.
Locating the Johnson Space Center in Clear Lake City brought many government employees and contractors to this area in the early 1960's. As a result, many residential developments were started to accommodate the influx, including Sagemont, in 1964. The number of Catholics settling in Sagemont swelled the congregation of St. Frances Cabrini located across Interstate 45.
The rapid growth made it obvious that it would soon be necessary to create a new parish to serve the Catholics living west of 1-45. The diocese purchased five acres of land in Kirkwood South in anticipation of the split. The pastor and parish council at St. Frances began planning the division. Even before boundaries were drawn and a pastor appointed for the new parish, a Parish Split Committee was appointed from the St. Frances Cabrini Parish Council and they were instructed to formulate plans for a smooth transition.
On April 3, 1975, ten weeks before the division, the committee presented recommendations for the split. Within the next few weeks, Reverend Jesse Judice was appointed pastor of the new parish. He asked those on the St. Frances Cabrini Parish Council who should be in the new parish to serve on an interim parish council. Meetings were held on May 29, and June 12, where decisions on purchasing a rectory, acquiring facilities at Thompson Intermediate School for Sunday liturgies and faith formation classes, setting mass times, hiring a religious education coordinator, and appointing a Finance Council chairperson were all made.
On June 17, 1975, at 7:00 pm, over 500 families were invited to celebrate Mass and attend a "birthday party" at St. Frances Cabrini. At the party, all were given the opportunity to indicate their area of interest for participation in the new parish, and St. Luke the Evangelist was born!