HS Teens who attend Life Teen will receive credit for Faith Formation. Must be registered.
Registration closes September 6, 2024.
To receive Faith Formation credit for attending Life Teen, please sign in during our Life Nights.
Our core team members will be happy to help.
Brave the Wilderness
Brave the Wilderness is a week-long, overnight retreat for teens hosted and put together by several parishes from the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Held at Forest Glen in Huntsville, Texas, Brave gives teens an opportunity to meet members of other local parishes while building lasting relationships with them and with Christ. Camp activities include zipline, Rockwall, swimming, competition games, nightly talks, prayer experiences, Adoration, daily Mass and so much more! For more information and registration, please click the button below.
Smoky Mountains Retreat
This retreat is packed with exciting activities, including scenic hikes, games, and opportunities for fellowship. It's a unique chance to build a faith- based community, share spiritual experiences, and deepen your faith and prayer life. Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience in the Smoky Mountains. For more information and registration, please click the button below.
Sunday / domingo: 5:00 PM - 6:45 PM.
NO, the two full years of Religious Education (High School Faith Formation) is the prerequisite needed to attend the Sacramental Preparation Classes. Sacramental preparation classes are offered separately from the regular religious education program. Confirmation classes are offered only to baptized students in grades 10th – 12th.
NO, los dos años completos de Educación Religiosa (Formación de Fe de la Escuela Secundaria) es el requisito previo necesario para asistir a las Clases de Preparación Sacramental. Las Clases de Preparación Sacramental se ofrecen por separado del programa regular de Educación Religiosa. Las clases de confirmación se ofrecen solo a los estudiantes bautizados en los grados 10º a 12º.
You may register your child late, but depending on how late the child is registered, attendance may NOT count towards the two year Sacramental Preparation (1st Communion Classes/ Confirmation) requirement.
Puede inscribir a su hijo tarde, pero dependiendo de cuán tarde esté registrado, la asistencia NO puede contar para el requisito de preparación sacramental de dos años (Clases de 1ª Comunión / Confirmación).
Registration for Youth Faith Formation (CCFF) occurs in mid-May and in mid-August. It is recommended that all families register early.
La inscripción para la Educación Religiosa Juvenil (CCFF) se produce a mediados de mayo y a mediados de agosto. Se recomienda que todas las familias se registren temprano.
Registration for Youth Religious Education (CCFF) occurs in mid-May and in mid-August. It is recommended that all families register early.
La inscripción para la Educación Religiosa Juvenil (CCFF) se produce a mediados de mayo y a mediados de agosto. Se recomienda que todas las familias se registren temprano.
Registration Fee for resources used in class:
Tarifa de Inscripción para recursos usados en la clase:
$40 for 1 child / por 1 niño
$60 for two children / por 2 niños
$90 for 3 children / por 3 niños
$120 for 4 or more children / por 4 o mas niños