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Our Logo:

The stone represents the cornerstone that we are building our campus on—Jesus, and the belief that we are helping people as we build the Kingdom of God and not just constructing buildings. The five loaves and two fishes represent the task ahead, difficult, but not impossible through Christ. God will take what we are able to give and multiply our offering so that we can build His Kingdom.

Campaign Patron Saint: St. Joseph
Joseph was a just man...Mt. 1:19

Campaign Prayer, Prayer to Saint Joseph

St. Joseph, patron saint of the Universal Church,
husband of Mary, foster father of Jesus,
be like a father to us and give us your guidance as we make plans for the future of our parish.
Help us build the structures we need to accomplish the goals
your foster Son, our Savior, wants us to accomplish,
and preserve us from self-serving foolishness.
Above all, teach us to live the humble goodness,
trusting acceptance and absolute dedication
that you exhibited throughout your life
so that we, the people of St. Luke,
may proclaim by our words and actions that
Jesus Christ is Lord.

Our Progress

Parish Goal: $3 Million
Total Number of Households Registered: 1039
Total Number of Pledges: 213
Total Amount Pledged: $898,351.00

Paid in Pledges: $532,641.00
Non-Pledges Gifts: $464,703.00
CC Fundraising Events FY 22/23: $21,587.00
CC Fundraising Events FY 23/24: $122,594.00
CC Fundraising Events FY 24/25: $1,817.00

Total: $1,143,342.00

Total Number of Participants: 619

Activity Thru 08/12/24
Ways to Support

FLC Plans

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Questions & Answers

  • Our campus was built in 1975. Currently, all of the buildings and infrastructure are showing their age. We have outgrown this campus and are fortunate to have a second campus in Riverstone Ranch. We want to be good stewards of our money by using our finances where it makes more sense, on our new campus, where we can continue to grow and expand our facilities.
  • We are limited by the amount of acreage. When we try to hold large events, we are limited by the size of our parking lot. It is our goal to keep growing our congregation. Moving to our Riverstone Ranch Campus will help us better realize that goal.
  • Pouring money into this campus would not be the best investment for us. Repairing what needs to be fixed will not solve the issue we have with not having enough room currently, nor room to grow. Currently we are on a little over 5 acres of land. Our new building will be at our Riverstone Ranch Campus where we are blessed with 20 acres of land!
  • Our overall case for this Capital Campaign will be $10 Million. We realize that this is a lot of money, so it is our goal to tackle this large sum by focusing our efforts on smaller amounts. Our initial goal for this campaign is to raise $3 Million in three years. This will allow us to comfortably get started with construction.
  • Our target date to be in our new multi-purpose building (The Family Life Center) is 2025, when we celebrate our 50th Anniversary!
  • After 2025, we will reassess where we are financially in relation to our overall goal of $10 Million. 

EVERYONE! WE are St. Luke. This is our spiritual home where we come to be renewed and receive our Lord. We all need to make it our mission to make this much needed move to our Riverstone Ranch Campus a reality. We cannot wait for someone to come and do this for us. WE are the people that we have been waiting for. It is up to us to get this accomplished!

  • We will not continue to pour our financial resources into an aging campus that is never going to solve the issues we are encountering, nor ever be able to meet our growing needs.
  • We will be moving from a campus that sits on a little over 5 acres to a 20 acre campus.
  • The Riverstone Ranch community has steadily been increasing and our Riverstone Ranch Campus is surrounded by family comlexes, right accross from an elementary school and the new Thompson Intermediate Campus in the area behind our property. This will give us the opportunity for potential growth of our congregation.
  • More acreage will give us the ability to hold larger gatherings, with less added worry of parking availability and traffic congestion.

Out of the 985 households that we had registered as active in our parish in 2021, only 397 families (40.3% of the congregation) contributed $1,000 or more to the parish. When churches submit a request to the Archdiocese for an approval to have a Capital Campaign to renovate and/or build, one important number they pay attention to is what percentage of the congregation supports the parish financially through their normal tithing. Why, because if normal tithing is low, then the probability of the parish being able to sustain the financial needs of the proposed build/renovation will be considered low, and in turn too much of a risky venture. If the percentage is low, then this affects the parish's ability to be granted a loan, as well as the amount of the loan. The ability to have money on hand as well as the added loan, greatly affects the time that construction starts on the building project. Not only must we show that the parish has support for the capital campaign, through sacrificial giving...above and beyond normal tithing, we must also show that we have the financial support of the congregation to meet the day in and day out financial needs of the parish.

Something changes in us when we have to look at our lives through the light of eternity. It makes us re-evaluate what really matters and it helps us re-prioritize our lives and distinguish, what is valuable and lasting from what is temporary and untrustworthy. If you consider St. Luke your spiritual home, please consider financially supporting your place of worship through continued donations and help us continue to be God's hands & feet in this community.

I am happy with having contributed to building the original campus, I have done my part.
There is nothing more humbling than being able to still have in our midst some of the founding members of St. Luke the Evangelist. They are living proof that all things are possible through Christ. Everytime they pass by this campus, they can say "I was part of making that happen". Although it might seem a bit much to ask for our founders to help accomplish this again, it is also a blessing to be given the opportunity to not only do this once, but twice, in one's lifetime!

It is very difficult to give and not expect anything in return. Sometimes Heavenly Blessings or scoring "brownie points" with God is not enough of an incentive. A novelist once wrote, "When we are young, we climb trees we did not plant, we attend schools we did not pay for and for that matter, we worship at churches that we did not provide. If we ever have a chance by God's mercy to mature one day, we might just live long enough to plant a tree that we will never climb, provide a school in which we will never take a class and pay for a church where we may never even get to worship in."

All things are possible through God who gives us strength! Let us do what needs to be done. Let us build so that St. Luke the Evangelist may still be a light in the darkness. We are the hands and feet of Christ.
Let us build the Kingdom, not just buildings!