Photography Ministry
If you love taking pictures and capturing moments, this is your ministry!

We are looking for parishioners who love being behind the camera to take pictures of different celebrations and events. No experience required!
Those who are 15 years or older are welcome to join. Contact the Office of Worship for more information.

Si te gusta tomar fotos y capturar momentos,

¡Este es tu ministerio!

Estamos buscando feligreses a los que les encanta estar detrás de la cámara oara fotografiar diferentes celebraciones y eventos. ¡No se requiere experiencia!
Los feligreses de 15 años y mayores son bienvenidos a servir en este ministerio. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Culto para obtener mas información.

Music Department

Music should assist the assembled believers to express and share the gift of faith that is within them and to nourish and strengthen their interior commitment of faith. . . Music can also unveil a dimension of meaning and feeling. . . which words alone cannot yield."
-" Music in Catholic Worship", Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, 1972

(Also see Chapter VI, "Sacred Music" in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, from the Second Vatican Council.)

There are many opportunities for musicians of all types: Adult, youth and children's choirs, orchestra for youth and adults, contemporary ensembles, all of which are always looking for new members. Training sessions are planned throughout the year for the various liturgical ministries. Music groups accept new members year round.

Unity Choir: Rehearses on most Mondays at 5 p.m. in the Church. This choir ministers most weeks at the 10am Mass and is open to all youth in the 7th grade or above and adults.

Childrens Choir: The choir is open to boys and girls that are able to read up
through the 6th grade. Children’s Choir will sing seasonally.

Alabanza Coral (Spanish): Rehearses on most Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Educaton Building. This choir ministers most weeks at the 1:00 Spanish Mass and is open to all youth in the 7th grade or above and adults.

Liturgy (Liturgia)

Access your schedule by clicking here.

Volunteer Coordinators/Assistants:
Mary Garza
Funeral Coordinator - Coordinadora de Funerales

Connie & Omar Arreguin
Homebound Ministry Coordinator - Coordinadora de Ministerio de Comunión en los Hogares 

Paula & Adrian Garcia
Hospital Ministry Coordinator - Coordinadora de Ministerioen la Hospitalidad

Contact Us

Daniela Holste
  • Admin. Assistant to the Office of Worship