Planned giving, sometimes referred to as gift planning, may be defined as a method of supporting non-profits and charities that enables our individuals or donors to make larger gifts than they could make from their income. A planned gift is any major gift, made in lifetime or at death as part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning.

By contrast, gifts to the annual fund or weekly tithing are made from a donor’s discretionary income, and while they may be budgeted for, they are not planned. Whether a donor uses cash, appreciated securities/stock, real estate, artwork, partnership interests, personal property, life insurance, retirement plan, etc., the benefits of funding a planned gift can be very rewarding.

Donaciones Planificadas

Donaciones planificadas, a veces conocido como la planificación de regalo, se puede definir como un método de apoyo sin fines de lucro y organizaciones benéficas que permite a nuestros individuos o los donantes para hacer regalos más grandes de lo que podrían hacer de sus ingresos. Una donación planificada es cualquier regalo importante, hecho en vida o en la muerte como parte de la planificación financiera y / o propiedad general de un donante.

Por el contrario, las donaciones al fondo anual o diezmo   semanal se hacen de los ingresos discrecionales de un donante, y si bien pueden ser presupuestados, no se planifican. Ya sea un donante utiliza efectivo, valores apreciados / valores, bienes raíces, obras de arte, partes sociales, bienes personales, seguro de vida, plan de jubilación, etc., los beneficios de la financiación de una donación planificada puede ser muy gratificante.

Information on different tax-advantaged ways to support the church.

Charitable Gifts from an IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) to parish offertory (without other combined gifts, like DSF) can be made directly to the parish, and do not need to go through the Archdiocese.

Qualified Charitable Distributions, or QDCs are a way an Individual above age 70½ can make a gifts up to $100,000 every year directly from their IRA to charitable organizations. This charitable gift option applies only to IRA and Roth IRA plans, not to other retirement plans such as 401(k), 403(b), pension, profit sharing, Keogh, and employer-sponsored SEP IRAs and simple IRA plans. Donors are encouraged to consult their retirement plan administrator, or their tax or financial advisor to determine whether this option would be advantageous for each donor’s financial and tax circumstances.

The QCD - key provisions are:

  • The QCD allows donors 70½ or older to transfer up to $100,000 directly fromtheir IRA to a qualified 501c3 charity on an annual basis.
  • An IRA rollover gift is a tax-free distribution for the donor. Qualifying individuals can make charitable gifts using pre-tax IRA assets rather than taking a distribution, payingincome taxes on the distribution and then using after tax assets to make a charitable gift.
  • An IRA rollover gift can be used to meet all or part of an IRA’s annual required minimum distribution or RMD.

New IRA Gift Tool on Archdiocesan Website
To create a custom Letter of Intent to your IRA plan manager requesting a gift to your parish, the archdiocese or another Catholic organization, click here IRA-Charitable Rollover.

Learn More
A tax or legal advisor can provide you with additional information. We would be happy to assist you as well. Simply contact -Michael Schillaci at 713-652-4418 or To speak to the business manager from St. Luke the Evangelist, please find the contact information below.

The Archdiocesan Tax ID – 74-6018777
St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church
11011 Hall Rd
Houston, TX 77089

Wills/Life Insurance/Retirement Plan

In addition to fulfilling an important role in providing for the future financial security of your family and others, your will/living trust/life insurance/retirement plan can offer ways to make thoughtful charitable gifts to your church as part of your long-range estate and financial plans. It can be very rewarding knowing that a portion of your property/estate will continue to care for your church in the future.

A gift made through a will/living trust or other plans can be convenient to arrange. A simple provision or amendment prepared by your attorney at the time you make or update your will/trust is all that is necessary. Gifts included in wills/living trusts/life Insurance/retirement plans are popular because they are flexible, easy to arrange and may be changed with your life circumstances.

  • Will - When you meet with your attorney to draft, update or supplement your will, remember St. Luke by including "I give and bequeath to St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church the sum of $___ or ___% of my residuary estate."
  • Life Insurance & Retirement Plan - Designate St. Luke as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary (alternate) of your life insurance policy or retirement plan.

More Planned Giving

Donating stock to support the mission of your parish can offer even more tax benefits than writing a check. As stock prices increase, so do the taxes you owe on the long-term capital gain, which are generally charged at a rate of 15%. But when you donate publicly traded stock you’ve owned for more than one year to our parish, you enjoy two major tax benefits:

  • You will be exempt from paying capital gains taxes on any increase in value-taxes you would pay if you had otherwise sold the securities.
  • You are entitled to a federal income tax deduction based on the current fair market value of the securities, regardless of their original cost.

Regalo de Valores
La donación de acciones para apoyar la misión de su parroquia puede ofrecer aún más beneficios fiscales que escribir un cheque. Como precio de las acciones aumentan, también lo hacen los impuestos que debe en la ganancia de capital a largo plazo, que generalmente se cobran a una tasa del 15%. Pero cuando usted dona acciones negociadas públicamente que ha poseído por más de un año para nuestra parroquia, que disfrute de dos importantes beneficios fiscales:


  • Usted estará exento del pago de impuestos sobre la plusvalía en cualquier aumento de valor-impuestos que pagaría si hubiera vendido de otro modo los valores.
  • Usted tiene derecho a una deducción de impuestos federales sobre la base del valor de mercado actual de los valores, independientemente de su costo original.

QCD (Qualified Charitable Distribution)
If you have an IRA and are at least 70 ½ as of December 31, 2019, or if you reach age 72 after this date, you can contribute some of your IRA to an “eligible” charity and the withdrawal is then considered a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD).  This QCD counts toward your RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) for the year and you avoid paying ordinary income tax on the distribution which would be applied if you took the funds for your personal use.
Speak to your Financial Advisor or your CPA about the “need-to-know” rules about IRA withdrawals and, in particular, the benefits of a QCD for you and your charitable endeavors. 

QCD (Distribución Benéfica Calificada)
Si tiene una IRA y tiene al menos 70 ½ años a partir el 31 de diciembre de 2019, o si cumple 72 años después de esta fecha, puede contribuir con una parte de su IRA a una organización benéfica "elegible" y el retiro se considera una organización Distribucion Benéfica Calificada(QCD). Este QCD cuenta para su RMD (Distribución Mínima Requerida) para el año y usted evita pagar el impuesto sobre la renta ordinario sobre la distribución que se aplicaría si tomara los fondos para su uso personal.
Hable con su asesor financiero o su contador público certificado sobre las reglas de "necesidad de saber" sobre los retiros de IRA y, en particular, los beneficios de una QCD para usted y sus esfuerzos caritativos.