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Ah, summertime, a time of fun, relaxation and renewal. Finally time to wind down from our hectic lives and slow down. During the beginning of this much awaited season, let us be careful  not to take time off from God. The time that we spend with God should not be seasonal. Evil in the world does not take time off, so neither should we. Just like we plan our vacations, we must also plan our time with God. He should not be something that we take a break from until the fall. If you are traveling away from home, you can find a Catholic church near you by visiting If attending Mass is not an option, think of other ways that you can spend time with God. Remember, don’t just go to church, BE the church!

Please don’t forget about your spiritual home here at St. Luke. During the summer, our utility bills are at their highest and our other operating expenses continue. (Give to Offertory Sunday Donations) Additionally, we are in the pre-construction process for our new Family Life Center, which has added additional bills to pay. (Give to St. Luke Capital Campaign)

Don’t hold back from giving because you feel like it might not be sufficient. Give what you feel God is calling you to share and then allow Him to do the rest. (

We wish all of our parishioners and their families a fun, safe and Spirit-filled summer!


Your Servant in Christ,

Guadalupe H. Saiz, Development Coordinator