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The Parish Staff has voted on two designs that our wonderful parishioners submitted and YOU will decide which design will go on our T-Shirts!

  • Votes can be done online or through paper ballots which will be located in the Narthex and Parish Office.
  • Only parishioners of St. Luke can submit for their preferred design.
  • One vote per parishioner (7 years and older) please.
  • Parishioners will vote on designs September 16-27, 2024.


Winning Design

  • Designer recognition on all communication platforms
  • Have the privilege of designing the very first T-Shirts for St. Luke using the updated logo!
  • Receive a $100 Visa Gift Card

T-Shirt Sales

  • T-Shirt pre-orders will take place in the Narthex before and after all the Masses. Dates to be announced.
    • T-Shirts can also be pre-ordered at the Parish Office during business hours.
  • T-Shirt distribution dates, times and locations to be announced.

T-shirt sale proceeds will benefit the Capital Campaign.

  • Winning T-Shirt Design will be announced October 1, 2024.